
Arc Welding Basics

Arc Welding Basics One of the most popular and common types of welding in use today is arc welding. Yet the average layman walking the street has little understanding of this welding process other seeing the blinding light flashing from a construction job site they may walking past at rush hour. Welding is basically just

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Orbital Welding

Orbital Welding Orbital welding is Automatic Tunguston inert gas welding. It eliminates chances of manual errors in welding. It produces identical welds for hundred of times hence accuracy in welding. Orbital welding was first used in the 1960’s when the aerospace industry recognized the need for a superior joining technique for aerospace hydraulic lines. A

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Robotic Welding Comes Of Age

Robotic Welding Comes Of Age Robotic welding has come of age in the past few years. In advances in computer technology and robotics, simple, repetitive tasks in manufacturing are often performed by robotic welding devices, with a resulting savings in labor and an improvement in safety, since there is less human interaction and less chance

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Laser Machine Welding

Laser Machine Welding Laser machine welding is the joining of two pieces of material, usually metal, but often these days plastics, using a laser beam. A laser is a single phase, or coherent beam of light often seen in science fiction movies, but the development of the laser beam and its application in laser machine

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Welding Basics for Beginners

Welding Basics for Beginners Welding has been around for centuries, though not in the forms most commonly used today. One of the first welding processes ever used was known as forge welding. Forge welding attempts to join two metals through a process of heating, and then pounding and striking. It’s what blacksmiths did. But since

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