
Krispy Kreme Fundraising

Krispy Kreme Fundraising Krispy Kreme fundraising has been helping schools, youth sports groups, and churches raise money since 1937. Krispy Kreme doughnuts are a great fundraiser. Raise money by selling fresh doughnuts. Works well for school fundraisers, churches, clubs, and youth sports teams. Krispy Kreme fundraising has three different programs: Traditional doughnut sales Gift certificates […]

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School fundraising

School fundraising I can always tell when the school year begins in the fall. My doorbell rings at least twice a week with children trying to sell me something that is way overpriced or super impractical. Usually, the first one or two kids who target my house will walk away with an order. After that,

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Political Fundraising Online

Political Fundraising Online Looking for low cost political fundraising tips? It’s obvious that the campaign fund raising system is badly in need of reform. This article covers a dozen ways political candidates can raise money quickly and easily online. Getting elected to any type of local, state, or national office is hugely expensive. As a

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Soccer Fundraising

Soccer Fundraising It seems like soccer fundraising is either a season-long effort or a quick hitter that doesn’t cover all your needs. Well, the good news is that there are some ways to make money quickly, or even all season long, that merit your consideration. What are your fundraising goals? Many youth sports teams and

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