Long Term Payday Loans
Have you heard something about long term payday loans? Or, are there really long term payday loans? What do you think? Well, many have asked such questions and in the end most of them are left without answers. For that matter, it is then interesting to know some facts about long term payday loans, if there could be any. So read on.
Payday loans, in general, have been featured in some advertisements on the radio, television, newspaper and magazines, the Internet, and even the email. And, in recent years, payday loans have enjoyed an increased popularity as more and more loan consumers have found them to be a “convenient” way to obtain cash in the short term. In relation to this, several companies have experienced a high demand for payday loans from those customers who lack the credit necessary to obtain credit cards or bank accounts. For this matter, it is somehow understandable that as payday loans are considered as the convenient way to obtain cash in the “short term”, the idea for long term payday loans is somehow impossible. Consider the following information.
Payday loans are particularly designed as short term solutions to any kind of financial emergencies and unexpected expenses. They are not intended to serve as a long term weapon to financial issues, which most of the financial counseling firms commonly resolve. Payday loans are pretty heavily advertised even till now for the reason that companies who offer payday loans often make a very good profit on every payday loan they provide. And, as a short term loan, payday loans allow you to borrow money using your next paycheck as collateral.
In a payday loans transaction, the customer actually writes a personal check for the sum of the payday loan amount and the finance charge. The payday loans company then agrees in writing to keep the check until the loaner’s next payday, which is usually about two weeks. It is noted that within this timeframe, the payday loan customer has the option to redeem the check by way of paying back the payday loan amount as well as the additional finance charges, or the payday loan company will just cash the check on the exact date dealt to by both parties.
In some instances, given that payday loans are short term and not long term loans, the transactions are usually fast. You get the money from such loans right away. And, in terms of its amount, it is a usual idea that the amount range from under two hundred dollars to five hundred dollars.
However, while payday loans can be great in an emergency, always note that there is a basic pitfall with payday loans and that is you pay far more for your money. These loans do not only charge you with very high interest, but the fact that most of the companies today offering such loans may even charge robust administrative fees for payday loans. Thus, you may end up paying more than 800 percent on a particular payday loan if you do not pay it off with your next paycheck. The problem then is that these credit services are meant to be used in the “short term” and only occasionally.
So, are there long term payday loans?