Life Coaching And Business – A Match Made In Heaven
Although life coaching is a great and lucrative business venture, this is not what the article is all about. This piece will be discussing on the effects of life coaching in businesses. Can it really bring upon changes and improvements to a company?
What is a Life Coach and What is Life Coaching
A life coach is a new breed of professionals aimed at helping people in any aspects of their lives. They are there to aid people change and make improvements in their lives. It can be anything from careers, love, sex, relationship, weight control, business, etc. A life coach will also focus on determining a person’s goals as well as achieving them.
As the word “coach” implies, a life coach is their to “coach” and not to direct as opposed to some beliefs. He or she is not there to say, “you do this and you do that,” instead, the life coach will create for you foundations or lay down different paths for you.
It is up for you to decide which is the best path for you to take. Everything is all about you and it is also you who makes all the decisions and not the life coach.
A life coach, as some may believe, is actually not a therapist or a consultant. He or she is not there to treat psychologically ill or mentally unstable patients. A life coach is there for the healthy (physical and mental) person who wants to implement changes in his or her life. With the help of life coaching, a person will be able to achieve these changes.
Life coaching is the process practiced by life coaches. It has stemmed from other executive coaching with techniques rooted on leadership training and management consulting. Life coaching is also based on different disciplines which include psychology, sociology, career counseling, mentoring, and positive adult development.
In life coaching there are several techniques that life coaches use to help their clients. Most of the common techniques are behavior modification, values assessment, behavior modeling, goal setting, and mentoring. Techniques and methods also vary from client to client. It is based through the assessment of the life coach whether which method would be best utilized for a client.
Improving Business Through Life Coaching
A life coach can make improvements in a business by coaching the employees that work under it. This is usually the trend of companies nowadays. It has been observed that employees, especially those who have been working under the company for a long time, experience a downfall in performance. This can be caused by different reasons which include low motivation and stagnancy.
With the help of a life coach, these employees, including the bosses, can be revitalized to work more efficiently. And people working efficiently would mean better business.
A life coach will slightly use a different method when handling groups. Most often than not, activities will be based on groups and team work which will be geared towards the kind of business or industry the company is in.
But it is not only during the downfall when life coaches become needed by the company. They are also needed when a new departments are formed, inspiration before presentation of a proposal, or for team building.
It can’t be denied that life coaching does have a big impact in the corporate world. Life coaching and business truly is a perfect match.
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